Digital video from 8mm/16mm, sound,15'18''’ installation version, 9'00'' single channel version
Monitor, Wood, antique TV magnifier
Strange landscapes emerge from cine film flaws – stuttering projections, slipped sprockets, misaligned frames, grainy expired emulsions, grain, light leaks and scratches. Landscapes slowly emerge from chemical chance, apparitions of images form from grain and matter. The edges of the film reels make horizons, holes are suns or moons, static/grain bleeds into light on water into stars, chemical forms into clouds. The sound is made from a mixture of field recordings and samples from 16mm educational films, warping and distorting with the optical strip on the celluloid, material and form merging in and out with each other and becoming indistinguishable. This work explores and shapes the terrain of the celluloid.
Part of the series REVENANTS - a project that involves using expired film, some of which dates as far back as the 1940s. Through shooting and developing new photos and footage, I revive these forgotten spools, creating new work that emerges from a combination of light, time, and chemicals. The term 'Revenants' refers to "coming back," either from another place or from the dead, symbolising my ‘re-animation’ of these obsolete technologies and materials. The work represents an oscillation between material, subject and form, distorting images through layers of light and time, utilising the imperfections of the obsolete format
Analogue Uncanny, UCA Brewery Tap, Folkestone, UK
Vertical Hold, Punch Projects, USA
Videoex Festival, Zurich, Switzerland